Desktop Application Designing & Development Services Company
7 Gibson PI
Stanwell England (UK) (TW197NW)
9:00AM - 7:00PM
Monday to Monday
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Desktop Application Development Services

An Agency that Develop Desktop Application

Work area desktop application development is the correct decision on the off chance that you need an application for disconnected work that has best in class illustrations, PC vision capacities, computationally costly procedures or simply top performance when all is said in done. Our work area application development services incorporate cross-platform applications for Windows, Mac and Linux, and Javascript-based work area applications (for example Electron).

Full Cycle Desktop Software Development

Regardless of whether our collaboration endures through the whole development cycle or covers just specific stages, we focus on most extreme advantages for the Customer at each progression of a desktop software development project.To bring out great desktop solution, we utilize demonstrated testing philosophies, systems, and instruments to perform diverse test types, including functional, performance, and restriction ones.Our desktop applications can be conveyed with the necessary test documentation (test plans, experiments, agendas, and so on.) to give the Customer an away from of the application performance in various cases and rearrange its adjustment later on.With day in and day out support, we make progress toward a great goal of any issue inside a sensible time. Quirinus Soft standard bundles spread upkeep services for 1, 5, and 8 years, with a choice to be drawn out when the administration time frame lapses.

While dealing with desktop projects, our team focuses on:

Quirinus Soft

With desktop applications being on normal quicker and more impressive than their web partners, we ensure our solution are equipped for tackling complex assignments rapidly.

Quirinus Soft
Client comfort

All our applications experience conscientious arranging and broad testing to ensure they are anything but difficult to-utilize.

Quirinus Soft

With confirmed involvement with data security, we place a high incentive on multilayer assurance of conveyed disconnected applications.

Quirinus Soft
Smooth integration

To guarantee that the expectations helpfully fit client exercises, we make desktop applications that can without much of a stretch coordinate with other out-of-the-case or custom endeavor software.

Quirinus Soft
Quality assurance

With 8 years in quality confirmation and testing, Quirinus Soft unites an all around created QA process and the capacities of an in-house testing focus to meet the Customer's quality desires.

Quirinus Soft
Long-term maintenance

Quirinus Soft group offers a full scope of support services to let the Customer consistently present the desktop software and its updates into crafted by end-clients, just as modify the application to the developing business challenges by presenting new features

Business Analysis
Collaboration begins with Quirinus Soft BA masters completely investigating the Customer's needs and expounding definite prerequisites for the usefulness and look-and-feel. By setting up a productive correspondence of these necessities among partners and the development group, just as by precisely archiving all the processes, our masters guarantee the Customer gets precisely the software they need.
Desktop Software Architecture
At the pre-development arrangement, our group underlines cautious arranging and engineering configuration to exhort on better mechanical choices as for the Customer's test and industry, just as to recommend how to lessen development costs and improve the arrangement's performance.
UI Design
Quirinus Soft in-house configuration group works in a tight coordinated effort with the Customer and developers to grasp client needs, brand character and most recent patterns to concoct the idea of desktop software that looks engaging and feels instinctive.Arranging each client associated with the software to make it advantageous and simple to follow.Giving mockups and inviting input to picture the Customer's ideal application.Planning in light of brand consistency and bringing crisp thoughts for outwardly remain solitary applications
Desktop Software Development
Quirinus Soft mostly centers around conveying turnkey desktop applications prepared for transportation to end clients. However, our development services additionally include: Work on discrete pieces of the Customer's task, for example, testing, delivery of a platform-explicit variant or application support and Growth of the Customer's IT, group, at any task stage to acquire specific abilities or experience.


Cross-platform desktop application development
Qt-based development permits our team to convey desktop software that can run on most of the working frameworks (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) with superior and smooth UX. With cross-platform desktop development, we can diminish venture delivery time and slice delivery costs contrasted with isolated development for each platform.
To guarantee another application faultlessly coordinates with the client's framework, our group supplements each desktop application with an advanced installer supporting robotized checks and responses to the installation conditions, for example, the OS version, client language settings, outsider libraries, other software, or past forms introduced.
Application Updates
Recognizing the need to opportune acquaint improvements and fixes with desktop applications, quirinus soft assists with making the update procedure consistent and advantageous to clients. Our group can sort out refreshing at any necessary degree of multifaceted nature, including: Totally programmed checking, downloading, and installation of updates, Programmed refreshing of the past rendition, with manual procedure activating, Complete re-installation of the application.
Applications with access to OS functions
Quirinus Soft guarantees high convenience of conveyed desktop applications by empowering them to support tight joining with working framework capacities, for example, rebooting the PC, timely blocking access to the Internet, auto-refreshing applications, consolidating the application's symbols in the taskbar or their usefulness into the OS setting menu.Here's the manner by which it worked for a profitability apparatus perceived for its high proficiency by The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, and the BBC.
Windows (7, 8, 10)
Mac OS
Linux (Linux Ubuntu 12.04, 14,04, 16.04, Red Hat)
Assembling customer needs and huge mechanical experience, Quirinus Soft group settles on the best technology for each task.C++ Qt is the most famous choice as it is the main technology for cross-platform desktop application development, utilized by 5 out of the best 10 Fortune 100 companies. It permits assembling high performing applications because of C++ capacities, just as assists with diminishing costs with one source code base for all platforms.
.NET WPF is utilized for development for the Windows platform when a tight and consistent combination of the desktop application with Microsoft items is required. Java SWING is regularly applied for the support of inheritance applications. In spite of the fact that the platform can be utilized for cross-platform desktop development, applications dependent on Java SWING are increasingly slow to give a standard GUI on Windows.

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