10 Ways How Server Security Services Can Protect Your Servers
Every business has its important information over servers and servers are the heart of every other IT infrastructure of any business. In research, it has been found that around 60% of the businesses shut down within 6 months of their start, due to cyber hacking. Cyber security has become a prime requirement for every business to ensure the security of their confidential data. Cybercriminals are coming up with new malware and viruses daily, to fall for hacking victims’ companies hire secure server security services.
What is server security?
Server security incorporates the process and tools that are required to protect the sensitive data and holdings of a company’s server and resources. To obtain sensitive data from such companies, cybercriminals regularly target the servers and use their weaknesses. Some companies utilize shared servers and the same information is utilized by multiple companies or people compromising their security. Cybercriminals get hold of weak passwords, missing anti-malware software or other user mistakes to hack the system and cause harm to the business. Cloud computing security should be implied in layers for maximum protection.
By hiring server security management services, companies can protect their servers.
What are the common server security threats that enterprises face?
Although cybercriminals are coming up with new ways to hack the systems, businesses need to focus on common mistakes that they target and not make it a cakewalk for them to attack the systems. Here is a checklist of common server security issues faced by the companies that need to be addressed:
Passwords: Weak passwords are more likely to get hacked than encrypted ones. Weak security leads to password hacking and is sold on the dark web. Using a password manager can help with a strong password.
Outdated software and OS: A next target component are an old software or operating system that has not been updated for a very long time. Working on outdated software can be risky for server security. Similarly, old accounts that are not in use for a very long time can give a way into your systems’ server.
Misconfigured ports: Open network ports are also prone to security issues and cybercriminals easily catch them.
Improper patch management: Poor patch management of codes is also likely to be the reason for compromised security.
How do server security services protect the servers?
To maintain the security of servers' lifetime, get server security management services. These services halt cyber-attacks and provide top-notch security by following these ways:
1. Network security: Open network ports are the entering source for cybercriminals. The most important thing that we do is secure the network by blocking the open and unused ports from accessing. We track the traffic regularly and block any attacking possible IPs. The network systems are designed by integrating confidential data from the local network and adjusting SYN flood, DDOS attacks etc by hardening the network settings. With the help of security tools, we block access to back-end servers.
2. Web-server security: Web servers are the most exposed system making it obvious for a variety of attacks that alter the working of web applications and databases. Web application fireballs WAFs are used to block this malware. We regulate the web operations to the important ones with the help of customized security rules like mod-security.
3. Database server hardening: In-depth server and database hardening is done to protect the server. The database is the stored important information of a company or organisation and this is protected by implementing strong passwords, restrictive user advantages, and secured backups. We implement important security services like DNS, SMTP, SSL, FTP etc. as a part of our server security services.
4. Linux hardening: Linux servers are also not completely secure. It gives easy root access to the attackers if the Linux kernels are outdated. As our security practice, we use kernel patches to protect against buffers, privilege escalations and other security exploits. With the help of SELinux or other mandatory access control systems, we control user actions and provide access to necessary resources.
5. Application server management: There are companies that run applications, websites and 3rd party software on a single server, which increases the vulnerability of cyber exploits. If any of these applications get affected by the malware then all of them can get infected by the virus. That’s why we implement different applications on different server platforms. This process is called server isolation. By isolating system and user files, we block navigation from user directories to system directories.
6. Updated software and operating systems: Each server comprises server software and application software. It is important for these servers to be updated always to block access to hackers. We set notifications for software updates as soon as they get outdated and use security patches to rectify any issues as soon as they are detected.
7. Strong backup system: A fool-proof backup plan is important to store all important server data in case of a sudden hard drive crash or any data loss. We offer the latest backups and take routinely backups to reduce the load on servers. For the seamless running of the website, we offer offline backup.
8. Round-the-clock monitoring: 24/7 monitoring is important to detect malware and possible threats that can attack your server system. In this proactive monitoring, we scan login attempts, spamming, black listing events, etc.
9. Regular server audits: Regular server audits are performed by our skilled service providers to block the vulnerabilities.
10. Avoid patching mistakes: We offer accurate patch management to avoid any breaches and vulnerabilities found in third-party applications.
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